In the UK, you can claim for a variety of damages related to a personal injury, including:

– Medical expenses (including past, present and future costs)

– Loss of earnings (past, present and future)

– Care and assistance costs

– Pain and suffering

– Loss of enjoyment of life

– Loss of consortium

– Property damage

– Special damages (travel expenses, legal costs, etc.)

What are Special Damages

Special damages are a type of compensation that is awarded in personal injury cases in the UK. They are financial losses that are directly related to the injury suffered and can cover a wide range of expenses. These include lost earnings, medical expenses, care costs, travel expenses, damage to property and other necessary costs. The amount of special damages awarded is based on the evidence presented to the court and can vary significantly depending on the individual circumstances of the case.

What are General Damages

General damages are a form of compensation awarded in personal injury claims in the UK. They are intended to compensate the claimant for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity that they have experienced as a result of an injury. General damages are awarded as a lump sum to the claimant and are not intended to cover any financial losses or expenses.

In the UK, the amount of general damages awarded for a personal injury claim is determined by the Judicial College Guidelines. These guidelines are used to assess the severity of the injury and the level of pain and suffering the claimant has experienced. They also take into account the effect the injury has had on the claimant’s life, including any physical or psychological impact.

The amount of general damages awarded to a claimant can vary significantly depending on the circumstances of the case and the severity of the injury. Generally, more serious injuries will attract a higher amount of general damages.

Examples of personal injury cases where general damages have been awarded include:

– Broken limbs

– Psychological injury

– Severe burns or scaring

– Permanent disability

– Loss of limb

– Death

The amount of general damages awarded for a personal injury claim will depend on the individual case and can vary significantly. It is important to speak to a personal injury lawyer who can provide advice and help you understand the amount of general damages you may be entitled to.

More Specialist Compensation Damages

Additional damages for Personal Injury can include:

1. Loss of amenity: This is a type of non-pecuniary (non-financial) damages which is awarded for the loss of enjoyment of life. This includes a loss of the ability to perform everyday activities due to the effects of the injury.

2. Loss of consortium: This is a type of non-pecuniary damages which is awarded to the spouse of the injured person for the loss of their companionship, comfort, and assistance.

3. Psychological damages: This is a type of non-pecuniary damages that is awarded to compensate an injured person for the psychological effects of the injury such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.

4. Loss of earning capacity: This is a type of pecuniary (financial) damages which is awarded to compensate an injured person for the loss of future earning capacity due to the injury.

5. Interest on damages: This is a type of pecuniary damages which is awarded to compensate an injured person for the interest accrued on their damages from the time of the injury until the time of settlement or court judgement.

6. Exemplary damages: This is a type of pecuniary damages which is awarded to punish the wrongdoer for their behaviour and to deter others from similar behaviour.

7. Aggravated damages: This is a type of pecuniary damages which is awarded to compensate an injured person for the mental distress, humiliation and indignity caused by the wrongdoer.


Compensation damages for personal injury in the UK can vary greatly depending on the type and severity of the injury. Generally, they range from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds. In more serious cases, settlements can be significantly higher. The amount awarded is dependent on the extent of the injury, the effect it has had on the claimant’s life and the amount of money required to cover the costs of medical treatment and any future care needs.

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