Cycling Accident Claims

Road accidents can be very difficult and upsetting for cyclists and their loved ones for many reasons.

Not only are injuries from collisions on the road likely to be much more serious for cyclists due to their exposure in comparison to cars and other forms of transport on the road, but also the chances are that if the injury is serious, you will be more dependant on your loved ones and unable to work.

Cycling Accident Claims

Road accidents can be very difficult and upsetting for cyclists and their loved ones for many reasons.

Not only are injuries from collisions on the road likely to be much more serious for cyclists due to their exposure in comparison to cars and other forms of transport on the road, but also the chances are that if the injury is serious, you will be more dependant on your loved ones and unable to work.

Claim Today has been a personal injury brand specialising in road traffic accidents, including bike and & cycling accidents, for over 20 years and we have the experience and expertise to get you the personal injury compensation and support you need to look ahead to the future.

Serious bike & cycling accident injuries

Due to the nature of riding a bike on the road and how exposed the rider is if an accident happens, bike & cycling accidents can cause very serious injuries.

Serious injuries are best identified by how long they’ve needed treatment for, if you are unable to return to work and how long you are unable to return to work, as well as if you need assistance in completing day-to-day tasks.

Do I have a claim?

Whether you were the rider or a passenger, if you were injured in a bike & cycling accident and you were not at fault, you may be able to claim personal injury compensation.

It is important to have as many details about the accident to hand as possible, so that we can attempt to find the incident on CCTV and build a case. This includes when and where the incident took place, details of those involved, and of any witnesses if you have any.

You can still claim if you were involved in an accident where the driver didn’t have insurance, or if you were involved in a hit and run.

We offer free impartial advice on whether you can make a claim either by completing our online form, or calling our claim team on 0800 29 800 29. Alternatively, request a callback on this page and we will call you back.

Cycling Accident Claims

Cycle accidents caused by a motorist

In order to claim, the accident must have been somebody else’s fault; either the fault of another road user or because of the road conditions.

If your injuries are the fault of another road user (car, motorbike, bus, etc.) then your compensation will come from their insurers rather than them personally.

Cycle accidents caused by uninsured drivers or hit and runs

If the accident you were injured in was the fault of an uninsured driver or part of a hit and run then you might still be able to make a claim. If your claim is successful then it will be paid by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB).

Cycle accidents caused by poor road conditions

If your bike & cycling accident injuries are due to poor road surfaces such as potholes or cracks in the road, then you may be able to make a claim against the Highways Agency or the local council depending on where the road is.

There is someone responsible for every road and pavement in the UK, and if it is unsafe to use and caused your accident, then you may be able to claim.

Frequently asked questions

Start your claim today with our online claim form

Make a claim in minutes with our online claim form, and a member of our team will be in touch to make sure your details are correct and if you want to proceed with your claim.

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personal injury claim today

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