Our Client Stories.

At Claim Today, we work hard to earn and keep our clients’ trust. Hear directly about their experience with Claim Today.

Atiquel Lasker

“Contacted Claim Today after he was injured as Passenger in a Road Traffic Accident. Atiquel gave us 10 out of 10 for service! and said he contacted Claim Today because of our good reputation describing the service received as good with no suggestions for any areas of imrpvoement.”


Pramila Lal

I found Claim Today quite helpful, quick, and professional” adding , “in my opinion everything is being handled perfectly”

Pramila chose Claim Today because of our reputation as reliable company and said “ I was very satisfied with my own experience with Claim Today”

happy clients, injuries claims, claim today , claim time, Personal Injury Claim

Ranjit Heer

You have been great in dealing with my case” When asked about the Initial contact and first call Ranjit said the experience was 10 out of 10! Having called Claim Today after “A friend of mine recommended me Claim Today”


Erum Choudhry

“I was Injured as a Bus Passenger and contacted Claim Today to make a claim for damages. Erum gave us 10 out of 10 for our first contact and was extremely likely to recommend our service to family and friends. Describing the service as “excellent and very nice” saying we were “very helpful and friendly”


Intizar Shah

“contacted Claim Today and after his claim was concluded said would recommend us to family and friends because ” I find It easy to claim because of the good support of staff and their hard work” . On why he chose Claim Today Intizar said ” it’s was important for me to get my claim done honestly and that what I got”.


Prab Simran

When asked how likely to recommend us Prab gave us 9 out of 10! Saying that our service “It didn’t take too long” In response to how satisfied was the client with our service he gave us 10 out of 10! Prab found out about our service from a friend and would not hesitate in recommending us saying Yes as you have a good success rate


Saim Saddique

When asked how likely to recommend us Saim gave us 8 out of 10! Saying that our service “The service was not bad. The claim was taken care of quite quickly” In response to how satisfied was the client with our service he gave us 10 out of 10! Saim chose Claim Today because “Because I saw the ads on TV and thought it might be a reliable company.”   Would Saim recommend Claim Today? Yes, I was satisfied with my experience”


Fakhra Mumtaz

When asked how likely to recommend us Fakhra gave us 8 out of 10! Saying that our service “I needed physiotherapy and because of Claim Today I could access it and said “I think you are doing really good”. In response to how satisfied was the client with our service he gave us 10 out of 10! Fakhra chose Claim Today because “My friend suggested me to use Claim Today and I trusted my friend’s recommendation”  Fakhra would recommend Claim Today to anyone who has an accident or Injury.


John Lal

contacted Claim Today to make a claim for damages after an accident at work. John gave us 10 out of 10 for our first contact  saying “ I found your team very good, very informative, and very supportive and was likely to recommend our service to family and friends. Describing the service as “I was very satisfied with my previous experience with claim today” John had used our services before and chose us again to deal with his injury claim.


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