Legal Information

Liver Law Limited was incorporated on 10 December 2010 and is registered with Companies House in England. 

Liver Law Limited’s registered office address is: 71 Longview Drive, Huyton, Liverpool, Merseyside, L36 6EB

Liver Law Limited’s company number 07466388

Claim Today is a trading style for Liver Law Limited. 

The Information Commissioner’s Office have been notified of our data processing activities and are registered under number Z2679831

To request more information about Claim Today Limited or Claim Today, please use the contact number 0800 29 800 29 or by post to our registered address. Email

Claim Today is a trading style of Liver Law Solicitors Limited. Liver Law Solicitors is a company registered in England and Wales with the company registration number: 07466388. Registered office:. 71 Longview Drive, Huyton, Liverpool, Merseyside, L36 6EB. We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Our Solicitors Regulation Authority Number is 559049. A List of Directors is available for inspection at our Registered Office.


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